Haversham-cum-Little Linford Parish

Update July 2024
On 18 July, Gade Homes ran a public exhibition and consultation at the Social Centre, sharing some of their concepts and ideas as well as seeking feedback from residents. For those of you that were unable to attend the exhibition the file below contains the exhibition materials used. We have been asked to stress that the design is still at the concept stage and these diagrams do not reflect firm plans and details may change as the design progresses. The formal planning application is expected in the October or November 2024 timescale. Gade also asked us to pass on thanks to those that attended the exhibition and provided their feedback.
Gate Homes Exhibition Document from 18 July 2024
Update May 2024

In the Haversham-cum-Little Linford Neighbourhood Plan, policy HLL2 allocated a site north of 27 High Street in old Haversham (often referred to as “the Triangle”) for the development of up to 16 dwellings. The policy also set out a number of requirements that the developer would be expected to meet to receive support for development.
In May the Parish Council were contacted by Gade Homes - www.gadehomes.co.uk - who have now been chosen by the landowner to design and build on the site, subject to planning permission.
Gade Homes have also appointed O’Neill Homer as their consultant to help with the design stage. As some of you may be aware they were the planning consultants we used to advise the Parish Council as we were developing the Neighbourhood Plan, although we have not worked with them since the Plan was ready for the referendum roughly a year ago. Gade decided to employ them to provide continuity in design with what was in the NP and whilst we no longer work with O’Neill Homer, we can see there is a benefit for Gade in having access to that history and expertise and we hope it will lead to a better outcome for us all.
We have been informed that Gade Homes will be conducting a consultation and exhibition of their emerging thought in July and that a planning application is likely to be submitted in October or November 2024.
We will use this page to keep residents informed of progress.