Haversham-cum-Little Linford Parish

The New City Plan & MK Strategy 2050
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Milton Keynes City Council have commenced work on the development of a new Local Plan entitled the New City Plan.
The New City Plan will take forward the MK Strategy for 2050 which sets out a bold and ambitious vision for MK over the next 28 years. The New City Plan will now set the overall strategy, contain medium to strategic size allocations, and have clear policies for CMK and potentially other key locations.
The New City Plan will replace the current Local Plan for Milton Keynes, Plan:MK, which was adopted by the Council at its meeting on the 20 March 2019. Councils have a statutory opportunity to review their local plans every 5 years and MKCC have taken the opportunity presented by this review to consider the plan through to 2050 - Plan:MK is only through to 2031.
A key objective of the New City Plan is to achieve the seven key goals in the MK Strategy 2050.

Follow this link https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/new-city-plan to find out more about the plan and also to see what current consultations are taking place.
You can also find out more about MK Strategy for 2050, including the final published report at https://www.mkfutures2050.com/
There are a number of steps that need to be followed to produce the plan including public consultation and examination by a Planning Inspector. The timetable is shown below.

MKCC have indicated that there will be considerable stakeholder engagement during the development process as well as the formal statutory consultations. HcLL Parish Council plan to take an active role during the plan development, as well as participating in the development process and fulfilling its role as a statutory consultee. We will also do our best to keep residents informed through our various communication channels and welcome any feedback you may have. We also suggest checking the Council’s webpage above, for any ongoing consultations or other evidence gathering activity so that you can make your own personal representations.
Finally, we also plan to work with our neighbouring Parish and Town Councils to enable us to speak as one voice as the plan is being developed over the next two to three years.